How To Use & Customize Animated Heading Widget

Animated Heading Widget allows you to create attention grabbing headlines that either rotate or include highlighted animation.

follow the step by step instructions:

Step 1: Use Animated Heading

  • Go to Menu Romethemekit, and you will be able to see Animated Heading Widget.
  • Click Add New Container.
  • On the canvas select your structure.
  • Drag the widget from the Elementor and Drop it on the selected area.
  • Showing Animated Heading by defalut.

Step 2: Customize Animated Heading


  • Click Menu Content → select Content.
  • You can select style : Rotating or Higlighted.
  • Select your Text Animation.
  • Add your text in the text column.
  • The {{ }} symbols are used to indicate that the text will be given animation effects. If there are multiple texts, separate them with commas inside the {{ }}.
  • You also can setting duration effects and position your text.


  • Click Menu Style.
  • Customize your text in the Headline, customize your font and text color.
  • You can customize the style of the Animated Text Style as you like.