Header & Footer Builder

Create all kinds of “Header & Footer” templates quickly with RomethemeKit. Here’s a comprehensive article to explain each method in detail.

follow the step by step instructions:

Make sure you have installed the plugin

Step 1: Create Header and Footer

  • Navigate to RomethemeKit → Header & Footer → and click Add New.
  • A popup box will open with options.
  • In the popup box type a Title, and select the Type → Header or Footer.
  • Toggle the Activation option and click on “Save changes“.
  • Select your Header from the Header & Footer Page area.
  • Click on Edit With Elementor.
  • On the canvas, Choose your structure.
  • Select the widget from the Elementor Block and drop it on the selected area.
  • Also, you can add any type of widget from here.

Step 2: Create Header from Pre-made Templates

  • Click on the RomethemeKit Icon to insert header from our premade templates.
  • Select Tab “Block” and Go to Header -> Select your Desired Template.
  • Click on the Import button to add or Preview to show the demo.
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is header-set-7-1024x618.png
  • You can see your selected Header template showing.
  • Now click on the Selected Nav Menu area -> Select your Menu from the drop-down. (If you don’t know how to create a Menu, please check the guide here.
  • Once done, click the Update button to save the menu.
  • Now go to your site and you can see your selected Header Template is showing accordingly.
