How To Use & Customize Team Widget

Show your awesome Team Member by using RomethemeKit Widget in a very easy way.

follow the step by step instructions:

Step 1: Use Team Member

  • Go to Menu Romethemekit, and you will be able to see the Team Widget.
  • Click Add New Container.
  • On the canvas, select your structure.
  • Drag the widget from the Elementor and Drop it on the selected area.

Step 2: Use Team Member From Pre-Made Templates

  • Click on the RomethemeKit Icon to insert team from our premade templates.
  • Click Tab “Block” and Select Team.
  • Select your Desired Template.
  • Click Import to add or click Preview to show the demo.
  • You can see your template Team Member showing.

Step 3: Customize Team Member

Upload Image

  • Select Style.
  • Upload your team image from the media files or from your own file.
  • Click Choose Image.
  • Click Image → click Select Button.
  • Select your Image Size.
  • Add or Edit Member Name, Position, and Description.

Setting Font and Size

  • Click Menu Style → click Style.
  • You can change Font and Size Name, Position, Description like picture below.

Change Color

  • Click Color

Change Background Color :

  • Click Background TypeSelect Color in global color. 
  • Click Specific Color to select another color → Select Color.
  • You can Change Name Color, Member Position, and Description like picture below.  
  • Click global color → Select Color.
  • Click Specific Color to select another color → Select Color.