Mobile Icon Menu to Boost Conversions

In today’s digital age, mobile devices have become an integral part of our lives. With the rapid growth of mobile users, businesses need to adapt their websites to cater to this growing audience. The mobile icon menu is a crucial element that can significantly impact user experience and conversions on mobile devices. In this article, […]

Website Footer Design Inspiration

As we know, headers and footers are an important part of a website design. However, we often forget about a good footer design for visitors. Even though the footer becomes the center of attention for visitors when they feel they can’t get information in the header section. So what makes the footer important? Some of […]

How to Make a Mobile-Friendly Website

As we said in the previous article, mobile device users have greatly increased at this time. Followed by website visitors who also switch to using mobile devices or smartphones to open the website they are looking for. We as website owners are also required to provide a mobile-friendly website so that visitors are not disappointed […]

7 Fundamentals Of Icon Design

Digital marketing requires a good amount of visuals such as infographics, website branding, and various other visual content. To achieve this, you must implement attraction marketing, which requires branding your business in a friendly and personal way. This marketing approach requires a professional yet personal icon set to be used in various applications. The icons […]

How to Choose the Right Words for Button Labels

If you want to make it easier for users to take action on your app, you should choose the right words on your button labels, because what your button says is just as important as how it looks if using the wrong words on your button label causes user confusion. Here we leak 5 rules […]

Three Design Principles of Button Design

1.  Identifiable Designing with mobile users in mind should be a priority as more than 48 percent of page views worldwide are via mobile devices. Your buttons should be touch-friendly for mobile users and clickable for desktop users. Unlike desktop users, mobile users do not have the opportunity to hover over elements to check for […]

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is a web page focused on marketing a specific product or service that invites viewers to take the action we want. A person will be on the landing page if he is successfully interested in the advertisement we have created on social media or the link in the email. A landing page […]
