How to Choose the Right Words for Button Labels

If you want to make it easier for users to take action on your app, you should choose the right words on your button labels, because what your button says is just as important as how it looks if using the wrong words on your button label causes user confusion. Here we leak 5 rules […]

Three Design Principles of Button Design

1.  Identifiable Designing with mobile users in mind should be a priority as more than 48 percent of page views worldwide are via mobile devices. Your buttons should be touch-friendly for mobile users and clickable for desktop users. Unlike desktop users, mobile users do not have the opportunity to hover over elements to check for […]

7 Font Licenses

If you download a font, make sure you know the license that the font is bound to, so you don’t use it wrong. Some fonts that can be downloaded for free sometimes we can’t use freely. In accordance with its use, font licenses have many choices, whether for personal, commercial, or long-term use by a […]